Military families have an inside view of the military and see what many others don’t see.
Our story starts when a military spouse living overseas posted a need on social media.
It turns out that her husband is an attache at a U.S. Embassy in a third world country and she’s living there with them. As with all embassies, service members have been deployed to that embassy to protect it and the people living there. These particular service members weren’t allowed to bring family to this assignment and most of them were not married, so they didn’t have many people cheering them on and encouraging them while they were deployed. Also, this area of the world tends to get overlooked for care packages because most people send them to Afghanistan or the Arabic world, but these missions are just as important.
Once she posted a need, she received almost 175 pounds of snacks and care packages sent to them!
From this act of kindness from Americans, the idea for Operation Frontline Matters was launched. What if we help connect Americans to our deployed and their families in order to show them that they are supported? What if we try to boost the morale of our troops and alleviate some of the stressors left for the families here at home?
We are an organization that does just that.